He polished off his scotch and slammed the glass down. 他一仰脖喝完苏格兰威士忌,砰的一声把杯子放下。
Polished concrete, glass, polished ebony and stainless steel surfaces play off each other, bringing texture and lightness to the spaces. 抛光的混凝土、玻璃、光亮的黑檀木和不锈钢表面相互辉映,与白色的建筑墙面在触觉和感官上相互对照、衬托。
A strong rolled and polished glass containing few impurities, used for mirrors and large windows. 包含很少的混杂物,经过滚压和磨光的坚固的玻璃,用作镜子或大型窗户。
Here the interference pattern is established between an optical flat and the polished specimen surface of the glass. 在光学平板玻璃和磨光试样表面之间建立起干涉图样。
Highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets; 精心擦拭的银器陈列在亮灿灿的玻璃柜子里;
Another hallmark of dark matter is gravitational lensing, similar to the effect of light passing through a piece of polished glass. 暗物质的另一个特点是引力透镜效应,跟光通过一片抛光玻璃发生的现象相似。
Float and polished plate glass 浮法玻璃和抛光平板玻璃
The parquet floors shone like mirrors; highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets; 镶木地板亮得象镜子;精心擦拭的银器陈列在亮灿灿的玻璃柜子里;
I stood at the jewelry counter carefully scrutinizing the glittering stones and creative settings in the brilliantly polished glass case. 我站在珠宝店柜台前仔细欣赏着闪光夺目的珠宝以及明亮的磨光玻璃柜里独具匠心的宝石镶座。
Platters made of polished aluminum or glass and covered with several layers of different compounds including ferromagnetic layer which actually stores all the data. 盘片由抛光铝或玻璃,并与包括铁磁性层,实际存储的所有数据覆盖几层不同的化合物。
Development of Polished Glass-Ceramics 玻璃陶瓷抛光砖的研制
The silicon wafers were highly polished by reactive ion beam etching ( RIBE) until surface micro-roughness was under 2 nm, and the hydrophilic glass and oxidized silicon wafer were dried and initially bonded in air for appropriate hours. 利用反应离子束蚀刻(RIBE)对基片进行抛光,使得键合表面达到2nm级的表面粗糙度.在大气的环境下将处理过的玻璃、Si基片干燥,进行预键合。
The internal micro structure of ceramic glass, the crystalline phase and glass phase of its composition and the measurement for the crystalline size are revealed. Besides that, the surface topography and the micro surface flaw of the ultra-precision cryogenic polished ceramic glass are especially analyzed. 揭示了微晶玻璃的内部微观结构、其组成成分的结晶相和玻璃相、晶粒尺寸的测定,重点分析了超精密低温抛光后微晶玻璃的表面形貌和表现出来的微观表面缺陷。
Moreover, a number of acid-etched or polished colored glass concrete samples have been developed at laboratory level. 此外,还在试验室配制了大量的彩色玻璃混凝土样品并对其进行了酸蚀或抛光处理。
The coated natural stones are superior to the common polished stones, and is characterized by its higher glass, abrasion resistance, ageing resistance and better dirt pickup resistance, meeting the requirement of superior decoration. 饰面石材优于普通机械抛光石材,具有光泽高、耐磨、耐老化、耐污染等特点,能满足高档装饰的要求。
Study on the surface micro topography of cryogenic polished ceramic glass 微晶玻璃低温抛光表面微观形貌的研究